To increase the effectiveness of the Public Service by strengthening leadership of the government data system.
The Information Group has responsibility for:
The Information Group may from time-to-time be delegated specific responsibilities to achieve Government priorities. These responsibilities will be outlined in Appendices to this Terms of Reference.
In undertaking its responsibilities, the Group will delegate work to sub-committees comprised of agency staff who do not need to be members of the Information Group. The work of sub committees will be reported back to the Information Group for decision-making.
Sub-committees will be established to progress specific issues or opportunities, including but not limited to:
The values that guide the way that the Group works are:
The Group is chaired by the Deputy Chief Executive – Data System Leadership, Stats NZ, on behalf of the Government Chief Data Steward.
The Group is comprised of senior officials who have delegated decision rights for data issues within their agencies (typically Tier 2 or Tier 3 leaders) e.g. public sector, non-public service departments, crown agencies, SoEs. Members will be data leaders in the system and in their wider sector.
The group will meet monthly.
Some business may be conducted out of session where required.
Meeting attendance is required.
Where a member is away for a period of time, their replacement may be agreed as a substitute by the Chair so long as they meet the above criteria for members. Attendance of 50% of the named members will constitute a quorum.
Most agencies will only have one representative who attends meetings but larger agencies may have two. Non-members may attend meetings to discuss agenda items.
The Terms of Reference, and any subsequent reviews, will be provided to the Information Group for endorsement, prior to sign-off by the Information Group Chair.
The Terms of Reference will be reviewed annually, or as required.
If you'd like more information, have a question, or want to provide feedback on this page, email
Content last reviewed 17 August 2023.