How Does Florida Law Address the Severity and Penalties of Identity Theft?

False Verification Of Ownership, F.S. 538.4(4)

Both the victim and the offender may suffer long-term repercussions from identity theft, which is a serious offense. Florida’s identity theft laws are intended to discourage potential offenders from participating in this unlawful activity by matching the seriousness of the offense. Seeking the advice of an experienced West Palm Beach theft attorney is essential if you or someone you know is being accused of identity theft. Take into account the possible repercussions.

The Florida Identity Theft and Deterrence Act, which was passed to shield consumers from the growing threat of identity theft, essentially governs Florida’s legislation regarding identity theft. The Act lists the several identity theft offenses and their associated consequences, which can include convictions for felonies as well as misdemeanors. Those found guilty of identity theft may face civil litigation and restitution orders in addition to criminal penalties, which emphasizes the significance of having skilled legal representation in these situations.

Let’s go over of the laws governing identity theft in Florida and its associated penalties.