Please read these terms of service carefully. By using the services of Kenton Garden Services CC or signing up as a customer, you are agreeing to these terms of service, which will result in a legal agreement with binding legal obligations between you and KGS.
The agreement is concluded between Kenton Garden Services CC (registration number 2001/014046/23), a close corporation incorporated in terms of the close corporation laws of the Republic of South Africa, whose registered address is at 10 Industrial Road, Riversbend, Bushman’s River Mouth, Eastern Cape, South Africa (“ KGS ”, “ we ”, “ our ” or “ us ”) and you, the person or business entity who uses KGS as their service provider (“ you ”, “ your ” or “ customer ”). KGS may at its own discretion, amend or amplify the terms of service. KGS will notify you of any such amendments.
The provision of the services stipulated in a quotation issued by KGS to you, which you have accepted, (“ quotation ”) or alternatively, and only in the event of the absence of a quotation, in terms of a standing arrangement between you and KGS (“ standing arrangement ”), shall be subject to the terms and conditions contained herein (“ terms ”) (a quotation and/or a standing arrangement and these terms shall collectively be referred to as the “ service agreement ”), which supersede and replace all prior terms, conditions, proposals or quotations exchanged between the parties. Your acceptance of any services (including services covered by a quotation and/or provided in terms of a standing arrangement) shall constitute your acceptance of the terms contained herein.
We agree to perform the services in compliance with the specification and description of the services on the quotation alternatively as per a standing arrangement, read with these terms. These terms shall apply to the provision of services by KGS to customers that require their services. Services shall be provided at the customer’s address as may be recorded in the quotation or otherwise as recorded in KGS’s records from time to time (the “ premises ”). The specific type of service/s required appear in the quotation or alternatively, are as per the standing arrangement (“ service ” or “ services ”).
Service description
Lawn mowing (standard service applicable unless expressly stipulated otherwise)
Removal of refuse
Monthly maintenance
Tree felling and tree trimming
Gutter cleaning
Pre-holiday clean-ups
Garden drum service
1. These terms shall apply to and be incorporated into the service agreement and prevail over any inconsistent terms or conditions contained, or referred to, in the customer’s acceptance of a quotation, or specification or other document supplied by the customer.
2. The customer’s acceptance of a quotation for the services by KGS constitutes an offer by the customer to purchase the services on these terms. No offer placed by the customer shall be accepted by KGS other than:
at which point a contract for the supply and purchase of the services on these terms will be established (“contract ”).
3. The services carried out under the contract shall be provided by KGS to the customer from the date specified in the service agreement (quotation) or, where no date is so specified, from the date on which the contract is established in terms of clause 2 above.
4. The Customer shall provide KGS with a key and/or a remote to gain access to the outside of the premises only, and particularly the entire area to be serviced at the premises, whenever the services are to be performed.
5. Should KGS not be able to obtain full access to the service area on a specific allocated day/ time due to an occurrence which is attributable to the customer, or should KGS only obtain access after the start of the allocated time as a result of this occurrence, then in those instances the time lost as a result of the delay will be deducted from the allocated time, which may lead to the premises not being serviced in full on that particular day, or in some circumstances, not being serviced at all.
6. In order to be able to attend to the gardening service needs of all of its customers, KGS will as far as reasonably possible adhere to the predetermined work schedule for a particular day, and the specific timeslots allocated for each service. Poor weather conditions may however cause a delay in service, and in certain instances it may even be necessary to abandon the services completely on a particular day.
7. All work carried out by KGS during the servicing of gardens will be done strictly in accordance with the service agreement. Should the customer require any additional services during a specific visit the customer will have to inform KGS of this at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled services.
8. None of the KGS employees are permitted to engage in any work which will require of them to climb higher than the standard size stepladders provided by KGS. Should the need arise for KGS to perform work of this nature then specific prior arrangements will have to be made with KGS to do a formal assessment, and to provide a separate quotation.
9. Should KGS discover any problems with pests, weeds, or termites during the servicing of a premises a report of this will be compiled and emailed to the relevant contact person as listed in the service agreement.
10. Please note that due to health and safety reasons no employee of KGS will be permitted to carry out work on any portion of the premises where bees and/or hornets are detected, and in such instances the customer will be required to have the bees removed before KGS will continue with the services.
11. KGS will from time to time use noisy machinery to carry out certain maintenance work, and it will therefore be incumbent on customers to notify KGS timeously should any specific day/ time not be convenient due to unwanted noise disturbance. Please also note that since these machines may cause excessive dust and smoke, it is advised that all doors and windows on the premises are kept closed at all times while maintenance work is being carried out. \
12. Under no circumstances will KGS or any of its employees be permitted to wash any cars or windows during the scheduled services.
13. KGS and its employees agree to enter the customer’s premises at their own risk.
14. Should any customer at any time be dissatisfied with the standard of work, timekeeping of the KGS personnel, or any other unwanted act of an employee of KGS, then this should be brought to the attention of the KGS management immediately in order for KGS to investigate the allegation, and to take appropriate action.
15. Although KGS will take all reasonable measures to ensure that no damage and/ or harm is caused to the customer’s property and/ or the customer, and/or his/ her family members and/or visitors while the garden is being serviced and/ or maintained by KGS, neither KGS nor any of its employees shall be liable for any losses or damage to any property, or any personal injuries or death suffered by the customer, and/or his/her family members, and/or any visitors, irrespective of the cause of such losses, damage or injuries
18. The customer will not be permitted to employ any of KGS’s personnel in any capacity whatsoever during the currency of the contract or for a period of at least two (2) years from the date of cancellation.
19. Please note that the service agreement entered into by the parties, which incorporates these terms and conditions shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties, and no alteration, variation or amendment of the service agreement by the customer shall have any force or effect unless agreed upon between the parties, reduced to writing, and signed by both parties.